Saturday, March 7, 2020

The eNotes Blog Unpublished Novel by Pearl S. Buck Found in Texas StorageUnit

Unpublished Novel by Pearl S. Buck Found in Texas StorageUnit I live for stories like this. My children are regularly subjected to garage and estate sales.   They tap their feet and emit long, angsty, teenage sighs as I go through ancient, musty-smelling boxes, looking and hoping for such a gem. It happened to  someone.  After forty years, an unpublished manuscript by Pearl S. Buck  has been discovered in a Texas storage unit.   The New York Times  reports that the manuscript was returned to Bucks family for a small fee.   How the manuscript came to be in Texas is a mystery;   Buck, a West Virigina native,   never lived in Texas, nor did she have family in Texas. Although Bucks best-known work today is  The Good Earth, in the early twentieth century, many of her other works were widely read. A prolific author, Buck wrote dozens of novels, works of non-fiction, and short stories. In 1938, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, the first woman upon which the honor was bestowed. The new novel titled  Ã‚  The Eternal Wonder  is described as â€Å"the coming-of-age story of Randolph Colfax, an extraordinarily gifted young man whose search for meaning and purpose leads him to New York, England, Paris and on a mission patrolling the DMZ in Korea that will change his life forever - and, ultimately, to love.† The publisher,  Open Road Integrated Media,  says the novel will be released on October 22, 2013, in both paperback and eBook formats.